Author: Neil Rose, CFA
Five Years After the Bond Bubble
Nearly five years ago, bond yields dropped to levels never seen in the thousands of years humans have been lending to one another. The shortest maturity fixed-income securities yielded virtually zero in the U.S. and less than zero in Europe and Japan. At one point, even trillions of dollars’ worth of long-term bonds were priced […]
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Investment Commentary Q2 2022

While pleased with the gains from 2021, the developments across strategies in 2022 have been even more encouraging. Neil Rose looks at the current positioning in the context of clients’ longer-term financial goals and concluded 2022 has actually improved their financial prospects.
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What We Talk About When We Talk About Macro

We send you this important 40-minute chat where Arthur Mallet and I discuss all things macro and macro-investing. We address important concepts shaping Regency Capital’s approach to investing, the advantages and pitfalls of macro, and the evolution of my macro education.
Five Things They Don’t Tell You About Inflation

After nearly 40 years of benign inflation, markets have long since written off inflation as a material risk. In fact, policymakers have been so successful at suppressing inflation, many investors and almost all economists only worry about deflation.
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