Category: Articles
Don’t Miss the Forest for the Trees
I don’t think anyone expected a quiet start to the new year, but I’m not sure anyone could have predicted the flurry of shocking news stories that have flooded our devices and timelines thus far in 2025.
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Five Years After the Bond Bubble

Nearly five years ago, bond yields dropped to levels never seen in the thousands of years humans have been lending to one another. The shortest maturity fixed-income securities yielded virtually zero in the U.S. and less than zero in Europe and Japan.
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Investment Letter

Returns this year have been kinder than I would have expected given our rather conservative positioning. Stock allocations have been lower than usual, with little in information technology and internet-related stocks, two areas that have accounted for the lion’s share of the stock market’s returns in recent years.
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The Elements of Value

It was a great year at Regency Capital. For me personally, I am learning, we are growing, and we continue to look for ways to improve. Part of this growth is to continually evaluate (kaizen) how we do things, our processes, and make sure we provide the value that clients deserve, value that also distinguishes us from competitors.
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Investment Commentary Q4 2023

Capital markets in 2023 showed investors’ resilience—or was it complacency? Clearer was yet another lesson on the dangers in following forecasts, especially those of policymakers, PhDs, and Wall Street strategists. The Fed’s interest rate hikes and tough inflation talk didn’t cause an “inevitable” 2023 recession after all.
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